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Laser Tattoo Removal Aftercare

Proper aftercare of your laser tattoo removal is very important to achieve the best outcome.  Give this a read over to learn more about what to do (or not do) before and after your appointment.

1. Please be sure to use an over the counter antibiotic ointment like Polysporin. It is important that you apply the ointment to your skin three times daily and keep your tattoo clean. If scabbing happens, you can expect the scabbing to last for 1 to 2 weeks. We know the scabbing is not pretty and you may want to hide the area and keep it bandaged, but it is best to keep the area exposed to allow the air to dry and heal the treated area. If so desired, you may cover the treated area initially with a bandage (changing daily), but you MUST leave uncovered from day 3 onward.


2. Do not be alarmed by blisters. Blisters can appear 8 hours after your laser tattoo removal treatment. If blisters are part of your healing process they are normally held between 4-6 days.
3. Do NOT pick the scabs, blisters, or crusts that form after your laser tattoo removal treatment. Picking at the skin directly relates to any scarring that may occur. Allow your skin to naturally heal itself and for the scabs and crusts to fall off when they are ready. Peeling off scabs that are not ready to be removed can result in infection, scarring, or even pigment discolouration of your skin.


4. If you are experiencing any type of discomfort or inflammation after having a tattoo removed you can take Tylenol and also apply an ice pack hourly for 5-10min right after your treatment.

5. Wear sunblock to protect the area of your skin that received treatment for at least 3 months after each session. Do not apply make-up or anything that may irritate the healing area. Scented lotions tend to irritate healing skin.

6. You may shower 2 hours after receiving tattoo removal. However, it is strongly advised that you do not allow high pulsating water to hit the newly treated skin. It is also recommended that you do not swim, soak in a bath or hot tub until scabs and blisters are healed. These areas of water contain a lot of bacteria that can cause infection and scarring.


7. If you are experiencing any other discomfort than what is listed above, mild bruising, or tingling sensations similar to sunburn after your tattoo removal procedure, be sure to contact your technician immediately or go see a licensed medical professional.

Tattoo Removal Aftercare: Text

Tattoo Removal Aftercare FAQs

Here are some of the question we get quite frequently when it comes to laser tattoo removal aftercare.

What should I expect during the healing process after my laser tattoo removal treatment?

During laser treatment, your skin will turn a frosty white color. This is caused by the carbon dioxide being released as a result of laser penetration and surfaces on the upper layer of the skin, which resembles a “white frosting”.

A few hours after treatment your skin may begin to peel and blister which usually takes 3 – 14 days to disappear. These side effects are completely normal and expected as your body is quickly trying to

heal itself, shedding the damaged outermost layer of skin.

After several days have passed, all physical effects have usually subsided. Now you’ll just play the waiting game as your body properly disposes of the ink pigments, which usually takes 6-12 weeks. Only after such time, laser treatment can be performed again.

What about scarring?

Scarring is a common concern with the laser tattoo removal process. Luckily scarring instances are very minimal and happen in less than two percent of laser removal cases. Usually, when scarring happens it is light and can be minimized with Vitamin E oil and over-the-counter silicone scar patches,

so long as your skin is fully healed from the laser treatment. When in doubt, always seek professional advice before attempting to treat scar tissue at home.

Once your tattoo is treated successfully, you can consider tattooing a new design or revel in what is now your clean canvas. Should you opt for body art in the future, be sure you plan it out, find a professional and reputable tattoo artist, tread carefully with your design, and REMEMBER the cost of laser tattoo removal.

Should I be concerned about sun exposure during Laser Tattoo Removal Treatments?

You might be surprised to hear that sun exposure is another important factor that affects the success of laser tattoo removal.

So if you’ve got any concerns about sun exposure and tattoo removal, be sure to read through the following frequently asked questions.

How does the sun affect laser tattoo removal?

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun increases the production of vitamin D and melanin in our bodies. Vitamin D can help us absorb things like calcium and iron, increase metabolism and regulate our immune system. But it is in fact melanin that soaks up radiation and causes our skin to turn brown. However, increased levels of melanin pigment in your skin can make you liable to burns. So when it comes to laser tattoo removal, your skin might not be as strong, protective or receptive as it could be.

Can I have laser tattoo removal after a holiday in the sun?

No and ideally the tattoo will have been out of the sunlight for at least 6 weeks. In order for laser tattoo removal to work effectively, skin color needs to be natural and healthy. This will give us the best chance of removing your tattoo in the fewest sessions possible. If you have a dark tan, it might take
several attempts to remove and you could suffer from future problems.

Will laser tattoo removal be effective on a tanned skin?

To some extent, but it will be far less effective. With an increased level of melanin in your skin, it is more difficult for the laser removal technology to break the pigment up. Even though we use the highest performing Picosure laser technology machine, tanned skin makes the redistribution of ink through your blood stream a lot harder to achieve. Don’t worry, this ink won’t stay in your blood for long and eventually escapes through pores and body waste.

What about fake tans?

Again, this is not recommended, as you could be coming back time and time again for multiple sessions when only half a dozen are actually required. Although we want to remove tattoos quickly and effectively, our main concern is your health and well-being. This is more difficult if your skin has

absorbed products containing toxins.
Some fake tans contain activators that can react with laser treatment and lead to skin pigmentation.

Therefore, do not use fake tan products for at least 2 weeks before or after treatment.

Tattoo Removal Aftercare: FAQ
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